Our long-awaited, much anticipated son has finally arrived! Chase was born on May 23 at 10:29 pm, weighing 9 pounds, 1 ounce and 21 inches long. After arriving at the hospital at 7:00 am on Sunday morning (41 weeks), they induced labor and contractions began. Around noon, the doctor broke my water and at 6:00 pm I was 6 cm dilated. At 7:00 pm, I got an epidural. It was not in my original birth plan to do so, but neither was the pitocin, IV, or being confined to the bed, so I just went for it... and it was the best decision ever! It only took one more hour until I was ready to start pushing! It was an awesome experience, and way better than I thought! Right after he was born, one of the first things I said was, "I'd do that again!"

We are so happy to finally have him home. He had his first doctor visit today, and everything checked out great! I'll post more pictures soon... baby is calling for his mama!