Wow! How time flies! Chase is already 3 months old. He is growing very fast, and I already have 2 drawers of clothes that don't fit him anymore. He's so smiley and fun to play with. He is always grabbing all his toys, likes to look at himself in the mirror, and he loves bath time. Tonight we gave him some rice cereal for the first time, hoping it'll fill him up enough so that he can sleep longer. He was doing really well sleeping through the night from about 9pm til 5am, and nursing at 5am and going right back to sleep until 7:30 or 8am. However, these last few weeks, he's been waking up around 4am, so we'll see how he does tonight. I'm learning to become much more flexible these days, and I'm so glad that people are so understanding! I have a boss who doesn't care if I'm 30 minutes late (although, that's only happened once so far)... most days it's only 10-15 minutes! I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful baby, an awesome husband, and a family who is so loving and supportive!
Almost ready for the Bumbo, but still a little bit of a bobble head! |
Mr. Grumpy face |
Fun times with Auntie Jilly! |
Loving feeding time with daddy! |
Open wide! |
Yummy! |
Last bite... well, not sure if we can consider it a bite, considering it was really soupy, and most of it ended up on his face, down the neck and all over his shirt! |